The 2018 Humans to Mars Report was released last week at the annual Human to Mars Summit held in Washington, DC. The report reinforced a notional date of 2033 for the first humans to Mars mission.
Read More »Canadian Space Agency Awards $1.38 Million for Four Contracts
The Canadian Space Agency has awarded three contracts to universities related to last years Space Exploration Science Maturation Study and a robotic technology contract to MDA.
Read More »Deltion Innovations Wants Canada to be a Leader in Space Mining
Space mining is an idea that used to be just a concept. Now companies, small and large, are working towards the goal of setting up mining operations on the moon and asteroids.
Read More »New Global Exploration Roadmap Recognizes the Moon as an Important Step and Increasing Private Sector Role
The International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG) has released the third iteration of its Global Exploration Roadmap with some important changes including the moon as an important step and the increased role of the private sector.
Read More »The Humans to Mars Podcast
The goal of sending Humans to Mars has been a driving force for many in the space community for decades. In 1949 Dr. Wernher von Braun, who was instrumental in developing the U.S. rocket program, published the seminal book, Project Mars, a Technical Tale. As recently as last year, NASA was marketing an eventual human mission to Mars as the Journey to Mars.
Read More »Bigelow’s Expandable Activity Module Operations Extended and Could be Used at a Future Deep Space Gateway
Future space explorers are now one step closer to surviving in the harsh vacuum of outer space. The Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM), a privately-built prototype expandable module built by American-based Bigelow Aerospace and currently attached to the International Space Station (ISS), has been renewed by NASA to at least 2020.
Read More »The Keith Cowing Interview: Jim Bridenstine and NASA, Elon Musk and SpaceX, Lockheed Martin and Mars
My guest this week is none other than my business partner Keith Cowing. Keith and I co-founded SpaceRef 18 years ago.
Read More »Before Mars, Cislunar Exploration
While the International Space Station will still be used until at least 2024 what comes next? That discussion has been ongoing within the space community for some time. The use of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) for business and research is only going to increase. National space agencies though are looking beyond LEO for the next challenge including cislunar exploration.
Read More »Podcast Episode 9: Moon vs Mars and Infrastructure and Imagination Leadership
In this podcast episode I welcome back Wayne Ellis, a space and defence consultant with AppSpace Solutions of Winnipeg, and a past president of the Canadian Space Society.
Read More »The CSA to Fund CubeSats, Quantum Encryption and a Mars Orbiter Instrument
In the recently announced budget the government had announced $80.9 million in new funding for the Canadian Space Agency over five years. We now know a little more about the projects the funds will go to.
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