In November of last year SpaceQ began a new feature on China's space economy with the first part of a two part podcast. Part of the goal of our coverage is to discern the differences between the Chinese commercial space sector compared to its western counterparts. Today, a new paper by the Secure World Foundation and the Caelus Foundation discusses U.S. perceptions on this topic …
Read More »US National Space Policy as a benchmark for Canada
Last week, while public attention was focused on talk of electoral colleges and presidential aspirations, President Trump and Vice President Pence quietly tabled what may be their most revolutionary document with little fanfare, the 2020 National Space Policy. This page is for subscribers only. Already a subscriber? Log in. Fact-driven space news, columns, business, policy, technology and more. Support independent journalism. SUBSCRIBE TODAY
Read More »Reviewing the 8th National Space Council meeting on the Space Economy Podcast
In this weeks Space Economy podcast we review the 8th National Space Council meeting held last week. It was the last meeting of the council before President-elect Biden’s administration takes over. It was notable for many reasons including announcing a new National Space Policy.
Read More »What does a possible Democratic President mean for the US space program
The US election is just over three months away, and although a lot could happen between now and then, the Democrats will likely keep their majority in the House, could get a majority in the Senate, and win the Presidency. Would the US space program be radically changed? Would NASA's plans for the Moon change? These are some of the questions we'll try to answer. …
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