MDA Space Chorus

Let’s Get It Together People

Image credit: Shutterstock/SpaceQ.

In the last two columns I have talked about why space, as an investment sector, is not really like other "Deep Tech" sectors. At times, I may have made the sector sound like it was unattractive to investors. I don't think it is. In fact, I think it has enormous potential specifically because its dynamics are not widely appreciated. The sector really is ready for some smart money that has the right vision.

Let's start by reviewing the way the space market works. 

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About Iain Christie

Founder and CEO at SideKickSixtyFive Consulting and host of the Terranauts podcast. Iain is a seasoned business executive with deep understanding of the space business and government procurement policy. Iain worked for 22 years at Neptec including as CEO. He was a VP at the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada, is a mentor at the Creative Destruction Lab and a visiting professor at the University of Ottawa's Telfer School of Management.