MDA Space Skymaker

Tag Archives: International Space Station

Canada's Dextre Lends a 'hand' for ISS Robotic Refueling Mission

NASA Public Affairs Office Dan Huot interviews Jill McGuire, the Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM) Project Manager at Goddard Space Flight Center, about the current RRM operations taking place outside the International Space Station. The mission uses key Canadian technology in the form of the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator or Dextre which is part of the Mobile Servicing System Canada contributed to the International Space Station …

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Barenaked Ladies Ed Robertson and Astronaut Chris Hadfield to Premier Song in Space

Sharing the adventure of being an astronaut, exploring space and conveying the work he does in space is nothing new to Chris Hadfield. But with the opportunity to spend six months on the International Space Station allows him to expand what he’ll do with his time to include some recreational activities. And if that includes doing something no one has dome before on his spare …

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