MDA Space Aurora


New Satellite Will Provide High Broadband Internet Service to Rural Canada

ViaSat -1, North America’s first 4G broadband satellite, was successfully placed into orbit today on an ILS Proton M rocket. With a capacity in excess of 140 Gbps, the satellite has more bandwidth capability than all the current satellites over North America combined and is considered to be a ‘game-changer’ for providing broadband coverage to rural areas at reduced cost.

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Rover's Eye View of Three-Year Trek on Mars

During the three-year trek of NASA’s Mars Rover Opportunity from Victoria crater to Endeavour crater, rover planners captured a horizon photograph at the end of each drive. 309 images taken during the 13-mile journey appear in this video. Video courtesy NASA JPL.

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University of Western Ontario Scientists Team With NASA To Develop New Hypothesis On Crater Debris

Scientists from the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario (UWO) have partnered with researchers from the NASA Lunar Science Institute to study crater ejecta – the debris that is launched out of a crater during meteor impacts. They have developed a new theory, which will help future scientists when they examine samples of crater ejecta returned from the Moon, asteroids and terrestrial planets.

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Satellite Service Restored to Northern Canadian Communities

The Anik F2 satellite which went offline yesterday due to a software malfunction is back in service said Telesat, its owner. While the satellite was down it affected mostly northern communities in Canada’s arctic. Services affected included phone and banking services which were offline and caused First Air to cancel most flights.

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Astronaut David Saint- Jacques to Explore Simulated Asteroid as part of NEEMO 15

One of NASA’s goals is to send astronauts to an asteroid in the future, something that’s never been done. While the hardware is being built, namely the Orion Multi-Purpose Crewed Vehicle that will take the astronauts to an asteroid, a more immediate concern is training astronauts on how to work on the asteroid once they get there. NASA’s NEEMO 15 mission is just one of …

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NASA Administrator Checks Out New Spacecraft

NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden and Johnson Space Center Director Mike Coats visit the Orion facilities inside Johnson’s Space Vehicle Mockup Facility on Monday, Sept. 26. The Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Module is being developed by NASA as the nation’s deep space exploration spacecraft. In conjunction with NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS), Orion will carry astronauts to asteroids, Mars and other destinations in the solar system.

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Will NASA's Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle Ever Fly?

Yesterday NASA announced its long awaited plan to develop a Heavy Lift Vehicle (HLV) for its Space Launch System (SLS). Based on NASA’s history and most recent experience in developing the Constellation program I think it’s fair to ask the question, will NASA’s HLV ever fly?

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