Aethera Technologies Makes Minority Equity Investment in Ad Astra Rocket Company

Plasma animation - A very quick explanation of how the plasma moves through our rocket engine.Image credit: Ad Astra Rocket Company.

Halifax-based RF technology company Aethera Technologies Ltd. has announced that they’ve made an “undisclosed minority equity investment” in Houston’s Ad Astra Rocket Company.

The two companies have a long-standing relationship and contextualizes Ad Astra’s other recent announcement that they’ve received two NASA contracts for development of their VASIMR engine.

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About Craig Bamford

Craig started writing for SpaceQ in 2017 as their space culture reporter, shifting to Canadian business and startup reporting in 2019. He is a member of the Canadian Association of Journalists, and has a Master's Degree in International Security from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs. He lives in Toronto.