Tag Archives: Launch Canada Competition

Launch Canada Expands Rocketry Competition

Students from 18 universities from across Canada participated in the Launch Canada Competition 2023.

The Launch Canada student rocketry competition, now independent from the Anangokaa (formerly Stardust) Festival, is largely staying the course as it moves towards its 2024 event. The major change to the competition: further expansion, as Launch Canada begins to incorporate local high school students into the competition.

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Canadian Student Rocket Challenge Sees Significant Growth for 2023

The first experimental amateur launch license was issued for the Launch Canada Challenge

Canadian student rocketry organization Launch Canada took a big step in 2022 with their inaugural Launch Canada Challenge which let student rocketry clubs compete for a variety of different launch-related challenges. In an interview with SpaceQ, Launch Canada president Adam Trumpour offered some thoughts on last years event, and where they’re planning to take it this year.

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Canadian rocketry engineers aim high

The Stardust Festival home of the Launch Canada Challenge

Student rocketry is becoming an increasingly important source of engineers for companies looking for innovation. Two of the most important student rocketry events are happening right around this time: the Spaceport America Cup just concluded, and the new Launch Canada Rocket Innovation Challenge is happening in early August as part of the Stardust Festival in Cochrane Ontario. These and other events are are helping to …

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