MDA Space Skymaker


Pavilion Lake in British Columbia Makes for a Good Planetary Analog

A group of researchers from academia, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and NASA are currently at Pavilion Lake in British Columbia exploring and studying the origin of rare freshwater carbonate rock formations found there. This research not only helps us better understand our knowledge of the earth it prepares for future exploration of the moon and Mars.

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Astronaut Chris Hadfield Interviewed on his NEEMO Experience

From May 10 to 23, 2010 astronaut Chris Hadfield was the commander of the NEEMO 14 mission. NEEMO is NASA’s Extreme Environment Mission Operations project. In this interview Hadfield discusses the mission aboard the Aquarius habitat, his responsibilites as commander, the challenges of living in an extreme environment, offers insights on how this mission provides valuable insight on space exploration, and descibes his own career …

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CSA Advanced Plant Experiments on Orbit Sprouts Shoots

The Advanced Plant Experiments on Orbit (APEX-CSA2) white spruce seedlings have sprouted some new shoots! This time-lapse video shows a close-up of the trees in their incubator on board the International Space Station over a six-day period. The new growth appears as light-green and orange buds that unfurl into fresh needles towards the end of the video. The seedlings will continue to grow in space …

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Smooth Launch for Space Shuttle Discovery

You know it’s a quiet mission when the journalists are more focused on milestones than the missile just launched. An hour after the near-flawless dawn flight to space by shuttle Discovery on April 5, the reporters on site talked about this fourth-last flight of the program, that record number of women in space, and the two Japanese meeting face to face for the first time.

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Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery (STS-131)

The seven-member STS-131 crew headed to the International Space Station aboard space shuttle Discovery after its launch from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center at 6:21 a.m. EDT. The liftoff came 45 minutes before sunrise Monday, Apr. 5, and lit up Florida’s Space Coast sky. The STS-131 Commander is Alan Poindexter; Jim Dutton is the Pilot and the Mission Specialists are Rick Mastracchio, Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger, Stephanie Wilson, …

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Imagine Seeing the First Stars – A Video Trailer

A new NASA teaser video was released yesterday for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). And it’s all about imagining what discoveries this next generation telescope and successor to the Hubble Space Telescope will find. Canada is a major contributor providing the Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) and Tuneable Filter Imager (TFI). The JWST is schedule to be launched in 2014.

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Research Potential on the International Space Station

In today’s Ottawa Citizen article “What does $100 billion buy?” they ask fair questions in “… how valuable this research in space has been, and does having a space station really add prestige, or industrial competence, or an innovative edge to a country?” with respect to how Canada benefits and humanity as a whole. “The space station must impress us on a new level: Treating …

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