The Canadian Space Agency on Twitter

You won’t find an official Canadian Space Agency (CSA) account on Twitter or any other social media network either, unless you count a rarely updated YouTube account. That does not mean you won’t the CSA mentioned on social media sites like Twitter on a daily basis. And if you’re familiar with Twitter you know that topics can be organized by including a hash tag with a tweet. For instance the most popular hash tag for the World Cup is #worldcup. So if I tweeted “Sad to see Germany lost to Spain #worldcup”, then anyone who follows that hash tag would see my tweet. The CSA has no set hash tag but it would be useful if it did. For that reason we’ve created a poll to see what the community thought should be the CSA hash tag.

We received several suggestions from the community and included our own in the poll. If you don’t see a hash tag you like and would like to contribute one then please leave us a comment on this posting.

It should be noted that when contacted about social media policy at the CSA last December, public relations informed us that the CSA was reviewing social media and would draft a policy soon for release in 2010. No policy has been released publicly that we are aware of. This is a shame as the CSA seems to be missing a great opportunity to interact with the public at large every day.

About Marc Boucher

Boucher is an entrepreneur, writer, editor & publisher. He is the founder of SpaceQ Media Inc. and Executive Vice President, Content of SpaceNews. Boucher has 25+ years working in various roles in the space industry and a total of 30 years as a technology entrepreneur including creating Maple Square, Canada's first internet directory and search engine.


  1. Why not #csa?

  2. Because that hash tag is already used for other things. So if used it could get confused with other notifications. Hence why we are looking for something else.
    Also note that there can be no hyphen in a hash tag meaning the ASC-CSA listed above would have to be ASCCSA although someone suggested ASCSA

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