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Malaysian Company MySpatial Signs $1.7 Million Contract with EarthDaily Analytics

UrtheCast is born again as EarthDaily Analytics. credit: EarthDaily Analytics.

Vancouver based EarthDaily Analytics (EDA) announced August 21 that MySpatial has signed a four year contract worth $1.7 million.

In a news release, EDA said MySpatial is a “Malaysian geospatial mapping specialist servicing the government and private sectors.”

Under the terms of the contract which began in July, MySpatial and its customers are being provided with EDA’s Earth Observation data and scalable AI-driven analytics. The data and analytics are “focused on Civil Government, Agriculture, Environmental Monitoring and Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry, Urban and Infrastructure Development, Coastal Monitoring, Defense, Maritime Intelligence, and Enterprise.”

EDA also stated that MySpatial will have access to data from EarthDaily Constellation (EDC) when it’s launched in 2025. The 10 satellite constellation will offer “differentiated Earth Observation and Change Detection.”

EDA said the constellation “will collect Analytics Ready Data across 22 spectral bands over all of the world’s land masses and high value maritime areas from the same angle, at the same time of day, every day.”

Don Osborne, CEO of EarthDaily Analytics, said, “Starting this summer and expanding over time as our EarthDaily Constellation goes into orbit in 2025, we are proud to provide MySpatial with cutting-edge Earth Observation data, AI-powered analytics, and invaluable insights, meaningfully expanding EDA’s presence and reach in a key Asian market. The versatility and reliability of our service offering is borne out by the wide breadth of high-value sectors in which MySpatial and its customers plan to utilize our products to drive better-informed decision-making and improved outcomes. Building on this strong foundation, the 2025 launch of the EarthDaily Constellation will unlock a whole new level of value-added insights, pairing unrivaled EO data collection with the endless scalability and power of our purpose-built AI systems to drive truly differentiated outcomes.” 

Basrihuddin Hasan, CEO of MySpatial, added, “As we work to ensure that our customers across the government and private sectors have access to the best data and insights available anywhere, we are proud to secure this access to the unique and innovative EarthDaily Analytics offering. While we eagerly anticipate the launch of the EarthDaily Constellation in 2025, EDA’s offering today is bringing value-added, high-quality data and AI-enabled analytics to our customers across verticals, while simultaneously cementing MySpatial’s position at the cutting edge of Earth Observation and geospatial mapping in the fast-growing Malaysian market.”

Earlier this month SpaceQ published an article on EDC and spoke with Chris Rampersad, VP Engineering at EarthDaily Analytics, about the constellation and the progress they’ve made on it. 

About Marc Boucher

Boucher is an entrepreneur, writer, editor & publisher. He is the founder of SpaceQ Media Inc. and Executive Vice President, Content of SpaceNews. Boucher has 25+ years working in various roles in the space industry and a total of 30 years as a technology entrepreneur including creating Maple Square, Canada's first internet directory and search engine.

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