Dextre's final exam – l'examen final de Dextre

See the steps of Dextre’s final exam.
Working from his perch on the end of Canadarm2, Dextre will close in on his target, unbolt the first circuit breaker and remove it. He will then back up slightly to give himself more room to rotate at the waist in order to align his free hand with the second circuit breaker, and will grab it and slide it out. Afterwards, Dextre will move back again to give himself room to flip a second time so that he can align the first circuit breaker with the empty slot, and will slide it into place. He’ll then return to the first worksite and replace the second breaker.
Voir les tapes de l’examen final de Dextre.
Dextre sera d’abord transport bout de bras par le Canadarm2 jusqu’ son lieu de travail et s’approchera ensuite de sa cible, dboulonnera le premier disjoncteur et le retirera. Puis il reculera lgrement, ce qui lui permettra de disposer de suffisamment d’espace pour pivoter hauteur de la taille afin d’aligner sa main libre avec le second disjoncteur, qu’il saisira et enlvera son tour. Ensuite, Dextre reculera nouveau de manire pouvoir se tourner encore une fois pour aligner le premier disjoncteur avec l’orifice, puis le mettre en place. Finalement, il retournera l’endroit o se trouvait le premier disjoncteur, et y installera le second.

About Marc Boucher

Boucher is an entrepreneur, writer, editor & publisher. He is the founder of SpaceQ Media Inc. and CEO and co-founder of SpaceRef Interactive LLC. Boucher has 20+ years working in various roles in the space industry and a total of 30 years as a technology entrepreneur including creating Maple Square, Canada's first internet directory and search engine.

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