CSA Departmental Plan Reveals 2023 Focus on the Moon, Beyond and Some Other Notable Changes

Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program. Credit: Canadian Space Agency.

Artemis 2 will be the big news for the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) in the coming weeks, along with the suite of Moon announcements released in this week's budget.

That's all very important, but here we will focus on not only that, but other matters in the CSA's 2023-24 Departmental Plan (DP) to talk about other important agency programs and matters, to provide context on what else the CSA is thinking about in the coming fiscal year. 

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About Elizabeth Howell

Is SpaceQ's Associate Editor as well as a business and science reporter, researcher and consultant. She recently received her Ph.D. from the University of North Dakota and is communications Instructor instructor at Algonquin College.