Entrevue avec Mathieu Caron, Dextre Contrleur de vol. Dextre est le robot le plus perfectionn jamais construit selon l’agence spatiale canadienne. Il est d’effectuer des travaux courants d’entretien et de rparation, comme le changement de batteries et le remplacement de camras l’extrieur de l’ISS.
Read More »Canadian Space Agency Interview Leslie with Sponder Dextre Operations Engineer and Mission Planner
Leslie Sponder is an Operations Engineer and Mission Planner who works with the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, or as it is better know as, Dextre. Dextre is the most sophisticated space robot ever built according to the Canadian Space Agency. It is designed to help in maintaining the health of the International Space Station (ISS). Dextre’s role is to perform maintenance work and repairs like …
Read More »Agence spatiale canadienne entrevue avec Serge Gaudreau
Entrevue avec Serge Gaudreau, Dextre Concepteur principal de systmes didactiques. Dextre est le robot le plus perfectionn jamais construit selon l’agence spatiale canadienne. Il est d’effectuer des travaux courants d’entretien et de rparation, comme le changement de batteries et le remplacement de camras l’extrieur de l’ISS .
Read More »Canadian Space Agency Interview with Daniel Lefebvre, Dextre Systems Engineer
Daniel Lefebvre is a Staff Systems Engineer who works with the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, or as it is better know as, Dextre. Dextre is the most sophisticated space robot ever built according to the Canadian Space Agency. It is designed to help in maintaining the health of the International Space Station (ISS). Dextre’s role is to perform maintenance work and repairs like changing batteries …
Read More »Final Flight of Atlantis has Large Canadian Element
While there has been a great emphasis on the fact that currently STS-132 will be the final flight of the space shuttle Atlantis, there is another almost forgotten aspect of this mission – the Canadian aspect. This mission will be utilizing many Canadian elements.
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