Introducing INO’s High-Definition Infrared Space Camera Core (HDISCC)


Canadian Astronauts Get First Space Missions (Updated)

Introducing Canadian Space Agency astronaut missions

Canada is heading back to the International Space Station, this time on a Starliner flight. Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronaut Joshua Kutryk will fly the first operational Starliner mission no earlier than 2025, the agency announced today (Nov. 22). And that’s not the only flight opportunity in the works.

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EPIC, a New Research Institute Aims to Fill a Gap

Earth and Planetary Institute of Canada (EPIC)

There may be a new home for Canadian space scientists in the coming months and years. A new not-for-profit research institute, called the Earth and Planetary Institute of Canada (EPIC), is aiming to resolve core issues facing Canadian space scientists (and scientists in general) that are looking to do research in Canada outside of the traditional academic sector, while at the same time providing a …

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